'' You're not enough. You're too sensitive. '' '' You're a lot. Too much. It is difficult to deal with you. '' '' You need to be different. Change yourself. ''

You're not what other people say. You are what you feel inside of you. What you need is to love yourself. That's it. And absolutely nothing more than that.
If someone can't cope with your emotions and how you express them, that's not your problem but theirs. You like to dream and fantasize about a better life and you're constantly getting comments like: ''You're not down to earth, you have to be realistic.'' Realistic? What does that mean? Is realistic to one person also realistic to another? Is reality determined by amount of money that we have? If so, then compare the reality of Monica Bellucci and Lindsay Lohan. If you compare their lives you'll see differences in similarities. They tell you that you are not good enough and that you have to put yourself and your life in a certain framework. And what kind of framework? What are the correct frames of life?

People say a lot of bad things to each other. But they don't think about the consequences of their words and how they affect someone. When I hear the words:
'' I am older and have more experience than you do, so I can definitely know what is good for you / me / us ''
I get the goose bumps. No one can know what is good for you. Only you know. Do not fall for such manipulation and attempts of someone that wants to have control over your life. That is far from true friendship, support, love, relationship or whatever it is.

If you are listening those things often, I want to tell you something ... Expressing emotions and clearly showing them is not your weakness. This is pure courage. Dreaming and thinking deeply about life doesn't make you unrealistic and weird. This is your power to start the change within yourself. And that is going to reflect on your life. To love someone honestly and deeply and forgive the person who hurt you is not characteristic of weak and bad character. It is a gift that few people possess today. Because everyone wants to be loved and wants to receive love. But hardly anyone are willing to give love. Honest and pure love. And even fewer people are able to truly forgive someone. But you don't forgive for the sake of others, you forgive for yourself. Everything you do and feel, you work exclusively and only for the sake of yourself. If you feel the energy of other people and their emotions and pain, it doesn't mean that you are hypersensitive in negative way. This means that you are very aware of others and world around you.

Your awareness and purity is what you are. And don't apologize to anyone because of who you are. Because of your existence, your life and how you feel life. Especially to people who can't handle you. Don't lower your value because of them. Stop giving yourself ''on discount'' to people who can't afford to confront and accept you, and everything that you are. One day there will be someone to whom you will be perfect just the way you are. And for start be perfect for yourself.

No matter how open, peaceful and loving you attempt to be, people can only meet you, as deeply as they have met themselves.
Your Life Coach Ursula