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One day life met death. Life asked: '' Can you tell me why people love me and hate you? '' Death answered: '' Because you're a beautiful lie, and I'm painful truth. ''

We all seek the truth and honesty. Especially from our friends and partners. But what about ourselves? Are we ready to face the truth? Are we capable to hear and see what the truth really is? Or we would rather live in the illusion that we created about someone or something? Lies. We're cheating. And the worst part of it, we're cheating ourselves. Because in the end we are the ones who are dealing with it and feel the consequences of it. And that is very painful. What else can be a result from the illusion except pain...

I know that feeling. I've also been there. It's very easy to lie to ourselves that we are priority to somebody although that's so far from the truth. It is easier to find a million excuses for the person who does not have time for us, than just say to ourselves: ''I'm not that important to them, so they don't want to find time to see me.'' This is a very hard truth to admit. But still, it's the only truth. The freedom of our soul and inner peace lives in truth by the truth. We think that we are a lovely person so we don't understand why someone doesn't want to spend time with us. That person must have some important work to do, so he/she don't have time for us. But that will change. It has to change. And so on and on... Excuses that we use to cover the painful truth. We live in the illusion that if somebody means something to us, that it will be vice versa. Often we create a certain image of a person that's not real and we add our emotions. And that is how we start to live the life illusion. We put something or somebody on a pedestal and we give them the value that they don't posses. And so it goes. What a sweet, beautiful lie. My personal lie.

And I'm not here to convince you that you are lying to yourself or that you are living a lie. There is no person in this world that can convince you. You have to see that for yourself. In fact, you can figure that out with your own intelligence. Or you can kick your head against the wall, embrace the suffering and finally cry over and over again. The first is of course smarter and healthier. But even that doesn't matter. It is important to understand that we actually have a secondary benefit of it. We choose our reaction and solution. We're subconsciously doing it. So just think about it. Why would you bring yourself into the illusion that will sooner or later fall apart, and in the end it will damage you?

So start with yourself. When you want to meet with someone, you will do absolutely everything that's in your power to do it. You have so much willpower and motivation that could move mountains. When you love someone, you would do anything for that person. The word impossible does not exist for you. Yesterday every other thing was impossible, but today, when you're guided by emotion, feeling and the connection, that word is not a part of your life and vocabulary anymore. Things are simple. If somebody is important to you, you will find the time and the place to see and meet them. But if you're not interested in someone, you will always find the right excuse. It's all about priorities. As it works for you, so it works for other people. So why do you live in an illusion? Take it away. Make peace with the fact that some people just do not care about you. And that is O.K. For quite sure, you also have some people that you do not care about that much.

We like to lie to ourselves. We also lie to others. And then sometimes we get offended because other people are not honest with us. In fact, what goes around, comes around. Do not expect honesty if you are not willing to give honesty. Start with yourself and then with others. If you're living the truth, the situations and relationships become crystal clear. Dishonest people simply disappear from your life because they can not cope with your honesty and truth. And this is the way you can find the beautiful people, true friendships and relationships. Your soul mates. One true and honest friend is better than a thousand false.

If you are waiting for someone's message and you are not getting it, that's also the message. A very strong message. If you send someone a message and you get ignored by that person, that can give you a clear answer and the truth about your relationship with them. But of course, we have to be able to face the truth. Do not lie to anyone who you love. Including yourself. Because the worst lies are the ones that we say to ourselves. It's hard to live with those lies. And they don't lead to a happy, peaceful and fulfilled life.

Temporary pleasure can be an income of illusion, but the real long-term happiness can only come from truth.

Your Life Coach Ursula



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