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Wrong decisions, wrong situation, wrong people, wrong time...the whole life is wrong. One Croatian song says: let's blame the sea.

With everything wrong, where is right? Does it even exist?

The truth is, the wrong doesn't exist. There are no wrong choices or the wrong people. There is no wrong situation or the wrong time. Everything is right and exactly how it should be. When you accept that thought, and accept responsibility for your life, at the same time you will stop blaming yourself for certain decisions and actions.

People come and go. And there is nothing wrong with that. They came into your life when you need them. Maybe their role was just to be present a certain period. After they've fulfilled their purpose, they simply left. It had to be that way. Because of you. So you could come to your mind, life and light.

Some people doesn't belong in your life for a long term. You are changing, they are changing and when you stop being aligned with them by the attitudes, beliefs, values, energy and vibration...the time has come. Time for them to just pack up their character in a suitcase and go their own way. Without you. Your task is to forgive them if they hurt you, wish them a safe journey and release them.

Just let go.

But it is clear to me why they are often called the '' wrong people ''. Sometimes we attach to other people certain characteristics they don't actually possess. As soon as we do that, we expect them to be and act in accordance with these characteristics. For example, if you pin to a person that it's honest and a person of trust, and that's not in their nature, of course you will be disappointed. They will not meet your expectations because that person simply doesn't possess these qualities. So if we're talking about being wrong, who is wrong in this story? Who made a ''mistake ''? Who did made a bad estimate but now blames other people?

If people for some reason, go out of your life - let them. That is the end of their story in your life. Now it's time for a new start with an experience they gave you. Do not focus on those who left and try to focus on those who stayed. They are worthy of your attention, love and time. People who want to and have to stay in your life, they will stay. Simply, they will be here. They will be present.

Often I hear:

''If I were different, stronger and better, the way I am today, maybe they would still be present in my life and our relationship would work.''

Please, don't do that to yourself. That's misconception. Just stop with woulda-coulda-shoulda. Today you are stronger because of them. They made you stronger. That's why you can't be in touch with them today. The major segments of your life (thoughts, attitude, beliefs, values) are now different than theirs. Practically you are no longer at the same level or in the ''same story''. Probably today, you wouldn't bear their behavior as you used to do. Before, you've been similar in something and each other's mirror. Today that's not the case. So stop complaining and regret about the past. That supposed to happen. Therefore, let's go bravely on.

Try not to call people ''wrong'' and also try not to blame yourself. What you have from the fact that you find and call someone guilty? You are feeding your Ego, but in fact, there is no long-term benefits from that.

Arrange the priorities in your life. Ask yourself if this is the life you want to live? Are you happy and satisfied? Are you surrounded by people who are feeding your soul? Are you really the best version of yourself? Can you be kinder, stronger, more compassionate? Who you want to be and who you really are?

And when you ask yourself those questions, you'll realize that all those ''wrong'' people helped you to answer them. They left the trace and left you the experience. Therefore, be grateful. Thanks to the wrong people, wrong situations and wrong decisions you find what is right for you.

In the end, here is a little poem:

All the Woulda - Coulda - Shouldas Layin' in the sun, Talkin' bout the things They woulda-coulda-shoulda done... But those Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas All ran away and hid From one little did.


Don't forget, you don't see things as they are, you see them as you are.

Your Life Coach Ursula



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