We all have our own truth that we live by and our own reality that we witness. That reality is built by our thoughts and beliefs. Based on that we created our own map of life, or how I like to say - our own map of the world. But the question is are you satisfied with it? With your own map of the world?

If you want to live in balance and harmony and witness your own spiritual growth, you first need to look for your truth. Of course, there are as many truths as there are people , but the point is that you have to find your own and live by it. During that search ask yourself how do you perceive your life, people around you, and circumstances? How do you react to certain situations? Do you just observe your map or are you creating it?

To create your own life map, it's important to be aware of your current position in life and how you feel about it. After that you have to set the goal where you want to be and what kind of emotion you want to achieve. But don't forget that you are the one who gives everything a meaning and emotion. Define life areas that are of great importance to you. If you don't like something about your life map - change it. You can change the map in a way that you constantly explore new opportunities, move your limits, and get out of your comfort zone. It is necessary to continuously review and ask yourself:
'' Can it be different? Are there other possibilities I'm not aware of? Is there something better for me? ''
It is important to accept the life adventure and explore the mystery of your own reality. Visualize. Feel. The more creative and imaginative you can be, the more you will be open for new ideas and opportunities. This allows you to expand your views while expanding your map of the world.

The key is to rethink and re-define your own perception. Review your thoughts. Don't tie yourself to bad thought and emotion. For, as I have already said in my posts, you can't be what you notice. You are the creator, you decide what you want to accept and live by. You're in a position to choose, so do it.

Keep the thoughts and emotions that suits you. Hold to it and feel it completely. On the other hand, thoughts that come to you and bring negative emotion - notice them, get away from them mentally and release them. This way you define your own understanding of the world over and over again. We often observe the present with the eyes of the past. With past experiences we judge the present and that way we can get a completely wrong picture of the current situation. Life is changeable, so our view and perception also has to be the part of the process . New experiences and new information are the key of change of our life maps. Often the quality of our life depends on it. Unfortunately, those who resist and are not ready to change go through painful process.

In the end it's up to you. Decide whether it is better to spend more time and energy in changing your own life map or defending old life views and beliefs. Whatever you decide, I hope it will serve you well, you will find your inner peace, fulfillment and pure happiness.

Your life is a map. Your own world.
Your story. Dedicated to you. Write it in a way that makes you happy.
Edit if necessary. Be creative. Your Life Coach Ursula