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"Oh, God ..." - I said.

"Yes please?" - answered my father.

His answer blew me that same second I heard it. For me that was inappropriate. I saw it as superiority. Like he is above me. Better than me. My Ego screamed every time he would say that. Although it didn't sound arrogant at all. Just the opposite. It sounded like something totally natural and normal. What scared me the most is that it sounded completely true.

Encouraged by the emotions caused by his statement, I started questioning myself. I started the inner research. My job was to dig so deep until I realize why the child within me screams so much to his statement "I am God." Why is that so disturbing me? What touches me in that knowledge? Why is my Ego responding to it?

So I started digging. I wanted to discover my truth. And in the end I realized. For me the meaning of being a God is to have a power and be responsible for myself, my thoughts and for my life that I was living at the moment. We are God. I am God. God is within us. Within me. He is a part of us. We are part of him. We are one. I call it Source or Universe. You can call it whatever you want because that's your private thing anyway.

Why power and responsibility?

Because it's a great responsibility to choose your YES, in a world that shouts NO. It's a great responsibility to believe in yourself and to know that you can, when everyone else says it is impossible. It's a responsibility to take life in your own hands without justification. The responsibility is to follow your inner voice. To use the power that is given to us to create and live the life we ​​want. It's a great risk to believe in yourself and push further while others are laughin at you. It's a big responsibility to live by God. By yourself. By your soul. It's a responsibility to live according to the written rules of the society while stick to your own unwritten rules. The goal is not to fit in. The goal is to stick to yourself. Be yourself. To choose your path and start walking. To turn away from your path whenever you want and go back when necessary. Live by your own desires, but don't be the slave of it. The responsibility is to realize that we are good enough and worth such as we are. It's to accept our virtues and flaws. To live our dreams and fight for them. Because we wouldn't have them if we are not able to accomplish them. It's a responsibility to forgive yourself and others. To apologize. Responsibility is to live unconditional love. And most of all, to be grateful.

Yes ... for all of that you have to be brave and responsible. It's not a small thing to know your power and accept the responsibility for your life and everything you do and don't. It's not a small thing to decide to live freely and accept the consequences of your choices. So yes, everyone is God. So are you. The creator of your life. Your own judge. Don't give other people power to judge you. Today they will point their finger at you, and tomorrow at someone else. Other people's hypocrisy is not your concern. Just love and appreciate yourself. Your mistakes are your lessons so don't let them define you. Be honest to yourself. Listen to your inner voice. Let your emotions guide you.

And others?

They have three roles in your life. To help you understand yourself and learn about yourself as much as you can. To learn forgiveness and gratitude. And last but not least, to understand and unconditionally give and receive love.

And for the end, my father also said to me:

"I will not die. God has promised me that I will remain for the seed. "

Dear Dad, that's right. You will not die. You will live as a trace of wisdom with your simple and ridiculous sayings. And I think that matters the most after you leave this world. You touched someone's life and soul. That's forever. You've encourage someone to think about something really important. Such things leave a deep trace. Indelible. And thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.

Your daughter and Life Coach Ursula



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