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The 21st century is a century of freedom.

Freedom of movement, speech, expressing thoughts and opinions. This is the century of diversity and its acceptance. But despite everything, we are our own slaves like never before. The slaves of social networks, norms, rules, media ...

Informed and dissinformed at the same time.

Perfect on social networks, and depressed in our own four walls.

We are slaves of imposed attitudes of what's beautiful and "in" and what's not. The slaves of likes and shares. Of other people's opinions and the image of how we should be presented to the world. And most of all, we are victims of our own beliefs and bad opinions about ourselves.

So I would call the 21st century – the century of slavery of our own mind.

You have to be skinny, but still muscular enough. Amazing body is desirable and cellulite is not allowed. Hide your stretch marks and be tanned in the spring. It's a must. To have a tummy is no good. Wrinkles and sun spots - we are not even going to talk about it. It's a no.

Perfection is required.

Never too little.

Never too much.

Always enough.

Always right.

Please just stop it. Don't do it to yourself.

When did you last criticize yourself and your body?

This morning, in front of the mirror - I believe.

And when did you say last time "thank you" to your body? Or better to ask - have you ever?

You've heard that your body is your temple. It's the only place you have to live. I like to think that our body is the car that takes us wherever we want. It serves us. It gives us the possibility to experience all the beauty of this world. This life. To see the sunsets and sunrises, the beauty of nature and our dearest ones. It gives us the ability to hear birds singing in a quiet Sunday morning. To feel joy when you hear a voice of someone special. It gives you the ability to feel the softness of someone's skin and the scent of his or hers perfume. The scent that it's hard to forget because it will always bring you back memories.

Your body gives you the opportunity to step out into this world and experience new things and learn. To grow and develop your mind and spirit. So one day you can share your wisdom with other generations.

Are you aware of how many endless possibilities your body gives you?

How much it serves you?

If so, please, thank him. Tell your body - I love you.

Your body loves you by giving you a life experience. So don't be so critical towards it. Be aware of your flaws, but still try to embrace and love them. Eat healthy because of self-love. You can also have a cheat meal, but it's important to have a positive emotion while and after you eat it. The attitude and beliefs related to food are very important, and the society is not talking about it a lot. Mind and body are connected. Your psyche reflects on your physical. Keep that in mind.

Exercise and do things that makes you happy. Do it for yourself and for your body. For your temple. Don't do it because of the pressure of other people, fashion or to get someone's attention. Do it because of respect you have for yourself.

Love your body and give it enough attention and love. In return you will get multiple satisfaction. First through health and then through happiness and many years of service. Don't become slave of your own body for the sake of society.

Just enjoy it.

Love yourself because of who and what you are, instead of hating yourself for who and what you are not.

Be yourself.

Be authentic.

Be perfectly imperfect.

Life Coach Ursula

PS: For the end, here is a video that will encourage you to love yourself.



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