You are the spirit of the wind.
No matter how far you travel across this world, you are only present here and now.
You live in this moment.
You can use your mind to rush towards the future. Try to create it.
But you can't live in it.
At least not yet.
You can remember the past, but it is only a memory.
Because of the past, today you are who you are.
This moment now is all that ever is.
Use this time to be, to grow and to expand.
As a wind sometimes you are part of a big storm synchronized with rain, dark clouds and thunder. And there are those moments when you exist as a light summer breeze.
Because of you the flowers are enjoying while swinging and the birds are flying and singing.
But that's not forever. That is just a brief moment.
And as the storm passes, the nice weather will pass too.
You're just a part of that.
You will change with circumstances, but you will always be yourself.
Yourself at that moment in life.
So listen to your spirit and just be.
Be now.
Be you.
Be timeless.
Be a strong spirit of the wind.

Ursula Your Personal Coach